Sunday, March 30, 2014

Another art assignment finished...well sort of

The latest assignment for my sketching class was to create a cover/title page for our sketchbook from a previous trip. The suit case is the size that can be carried on board..for now at least. It originally belonged to my mother and when she passed away I took it over. I have now had it for over 20 years and decided to use fabric paints to write some of the cities an countries that I have visited rolling it along in tow.  It's been on almost every trip I have taken and is pretty easy to identify on the luggage carousel  in the event I have to check it.

I realized that I had the wrong dates on my title page so had to get out the trusty White Sharpie poster pen to correct them. I also added some of the blue around the edges of the suitcase and backpack to tie the page together a bit.

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